reST file generator.
Generate the rst files for the examples by iterating over the python example files.
Files that generate images should start with ‘plot’.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.codestr2rst(codestr, lang='python', lineno=None)[source]#
Return reStructuredText code block from code string.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.executable_script(src_file, gallery_conf)[source]#
Validate if script has to be run according to gallery configuration.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.execute_code_block(compiler, block, example_globals, script_vars, gallery_conf, file_conf)[source]#
Execute the code block of the example file.
- Parameters:
compiler (codeop.Compile) – Compiler to compile AST of code block.
block (sphinx_gallery.py_source_parser.Block) – The code block to be executed.
example_globals (Dict[str, Any]) – Global variables for examples.
script_vars (Dict[str, Any]) – Configuration and runtime variables.
gallery_conf (Dict[str, Any]) – Gallery configurations.
file_conf (Dict[str, Any]) – File-specific settings given in source file comments as:
# sphinx_gallery_<name> = <value>
- Returns:
code_output – Output of executing code in reST.
- Return type:
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.execute_script(script_blocks, script_vars, gallery_conf, file_conf)[source]#
Execute and capture output from python script already in block structure.
- Parameters:
script_blocks (list) – (label, content, line_number) List where each element is a tuple with the label (‘text’ or ‘code’), the corresponding content string of block and the leading line number
script_vars (dict) – Configuration and run time variables
gallery_conf (dict) – Contains the configuration of Sphinx-Gallery
file_conf (dict) – File-specific settings given in source file comments as:
# sphinx_gallery_<name> = <value>
- Returns:
output_blocks (list) – List of strings where each element is the restructured text representation of the output of each block
time_elapsed (float) – Time elapsed during execution
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.extract_intro_and_title(filename, docstring)[source]#
Extract and clean the first paragraph of module-level docstring.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.generate_dir_rst(src_dir, target_dir, gallery_conf, seen_backrefs, is_subsection=True)[source]#
Generate output example reST files for one gallery (sub)directory.
- Parameters:
src_dir (str,) – Path to root or sub gallery directory containing example files
target_dir (str,) – Path where parsed examples (rst, python files, etc) will be outputted
gallery_conf (Dict[str, Any]) – Gallery configurations.
seen_backrefs (set,) – Back references encountered when parsing this gallery will be stored in this set.
is_subsection (bool,) – Weather src_dir is a subsection dir. If subsection dir, we write a index.rst file with toctree listing every example file. Default=True.
- Returns:
index_path (str or None) – Path to index rst file for the src_dir. None if user provided own index.
index_content (str or None) – Gallery header content. None when user provided own index.rst.
costs (List[Dict]) –
- List of dicts of costs for building each element of the gallery
with keys “t”, “mem”, “src_file”, and “target_dir”.
toctree_items (list,) – List of example file names we generated ReST for.
backrefs_dir (dict[str, tuple]) – Dictionary where value is the backreference object and value is a tuple containing: example filename, full path to example source directory, full path to example target directory, intro, title.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.generate_file_rst(fname, target_dir, src_dir, gallery_conf)[source]#
Generate the rst file for a given example.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
intro (str) – The introduction of the example.
title (str) – The example title.
cost (tuple) – A tuple containing the
(time_elapsed, memory_used)
required to run the script.out_vars (dict) – Variables used to run the script, possibly with entries:
- ”stale”
True if the example was stale.
- ”backrefs”
The backreferences.
- ”passing”
True if the example passed.
- ”formatted_exception”
Formatted string of the exception.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.handle_exception(exc_info, src_file, script_vars, gallery_conf)[source]#
Trim and format exception, maybe raise error, etc.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.md5sum_is_current(src_file, mode='b')[source]#
Checks whether src_file has the same md5 hash as the one on disk.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.patch_warnings()[source]#
Patch warnings.showwarning to actually write out the warning.
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.rst_blocks(script_blocks, output_blocks, file_conf, gallery_conf, *, language='python')[source]#
Generate the rst string containing the script prose, code and output.
- Parameters:
script_blocks (list) – (label, content, line_number) List where each element is a tuple with the label (‘text’ or ‘code’), the corresponding content string of block and the leading line number
output_blocks (list) – List of strings where each element is the restructured text representation of the output of each block
file_conf (dict) – File-specific settings given in source file comments as:
# sphinx_gallery_<name> = <value>
language (str) – The language to be used for syntax highlighting in code blocks. Must be a name or alias recognized by Pygments.
gallery_conf (dict) – Contains the configuration of Sphinx-Gallery
- Returns:
out – rst notebook
- Return type:
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.save_rst_example(example_rst, example_file, time_elapsed, memory_used, gallery_conf, *, language='python')[source]#
Saves the rst notebook to example_file including header & footer.
- Parameters:
example_rst (str) – rst containing the executed file content
example_file (str) – Filename with full path of python example file in documentation folder
language (str) – Name of the programming language the example is in
time_elapsed (float) – Time elapsed in seconds while executing file
memory_used (float) – Additional memory used during the run.
gallery_conf (dict) – Sphinx-Gallery configuration dictionary
- sphinx_gallery.gen_rst.save_thumbnail(image_path_template, src_file, script_vars, file_conf, gallery_conf)[source]#
Generate and Save the thumbnail image.
- Parameters:
image_path_template (str) – holds the template where to save and how to name the image
src_file (str) – path to source python file
script_vars (dict) – Configuration and run time variables
file_conf (dict) – File-specific settings given in source file comments as:
# sphinx_gallery_<name> = <value>
gallery_conf (dict) – Sphinx-Gallery configuration dictionary