We appreciate your help in improving this document and our library!
Please open an issue if this document is unclear or missing a step.
Development Workflow#
If you are interested in contributing code or documentation, we strongly recommend that you install a development version of sphinx-gallery in a development environment. If you are unfamiliar with the git/github workflow, please see Github’s guide to contributing to projects.
This guide assumes familiarity with the Github workflow and focuses on aspects specific to contributing to Sphinx-Gallery.
Get Latest Source#
You can get the latest development source from our Github repository.
git clone<your github user name>/sphinx-gallery
Create a Dedicated Environment#
We strongly recommend that you create a virtual environment for developing Sphinx Gallery to isolate it from other Python installations on your system.
Create a new virtual environment:
python -m venv <file folder location>
Activate the virtual environment using one of the following:
source <file folder location>/bin/activate # Linux/macOS
<file folder location>\Scripts\activate.bat # Windows cmd.exe
<file folder location>\Scripts\Activate.ps1
Install Dependencies#
Most of the Sphinx Gallery dependencies are listed in pyproject.toml
and can be
installed from those files:
python -m pip install --editable ".[dev]"
Sphinx Gallery requires that setuptools is installed. It is
usually packaged with python, but if necessary can be installed using pip
python -m pip install setuptools
Install for Development#
Editable installs means that the environment Python will always use the most recently changed version of your code. To install Sphinx Gallery in editable mode, ensure you are in the sphinx-gallery directory
cd sphinx-gallery
Then install using the editable flag:
python -m pip install -e .
Verify install#
Check that you are all set by running the tests:
python -m pytest sphinx_gallery
And by building the docs:
cd doc
make html
Install pre-commit hooks#
pre-commit hooks check for things like spelling and formatting in contributed code and documentation. To set up pre-commit hooks:
python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
All code contributions should be tested. We use the pytest testing framework and tinybuild
to build test
pages. Tests can be found in sphinx_gallery/tests
is designed as the minimal full sphinx doc build that you can run
with make html
from tinybuild/doc
to get a traditional build
gets run in tests/
to build a test page using
the .rst
document files in tests/doc/tinybuild
. The tests examine
the html
output to verify the behavior of the directives in the .rst