Source code for sphinx_gallery.notebook

r"""Parser for Jupyter notebooks.

Class that holds the Jupyter notebook information

# Author: Óscar Nájera
# License: 3-clause BSD

import argparse
import base64
import copy
import json
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import count
from pathlib import Path

import sphinx.util
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError

from .py_source_parser import split_code_and_text_blocks

logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger("sphinx-gallery")

[docs] def jupyter_notebook_skeleton(): """Returns a dictionary with the elements of a Jupyter notebook.""" py_version = sys.version_info notebook_skeleton = { "cells": [], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python " + str(py_version[0]), "language": "python", "name": "python" + str(py_version[0]), }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": {"name": "ipython", "version": py_version[0]}, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython" + str(py_version[0]), "version": "{}.{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info[:3]), }, }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, } return notebook_skeleton
[docs] def directive_fun(match, directive): """Helper to fill in directives.""" directive_to_alert = dict(note="info", warning="danger") return '<div class="alert alert-{}"><h4>{}</h4><p>{}</p></div>'.format( directive_to_alert[directive], directive.capitalize(), )
[docs] def convert_code_to_md(text): """Rewrite code blocks to use Markdown's preferred backtick notation. Backtick notation preserves syntax highlighting. Parameters ---------- text: str A mostly converted string of markdown text. May contain zero, one, or multiple code blocks in code-block format. """ code_regex = r"[ \t]*\.\. code-block::[ \t]*(\S*)\n[ \t]*\n([ \t]+)" while True: code_block =, text) if not code_block: break indent = start_index = code_block.span()[1] - len(indent) # Find first non-empty, non-indented line end = re.compile(rf"^(?!{re.escape(indent)})[ \t]*\S+", re.MULTILINE) code_end_match =, start_index) end_index = code_end_match.start() if code_end_match else len(text) contents = textwrap.dedent(text[start_index:end_index]).rstrip() new_code = f"```{}\n{contents}\n```\n" text = text[: code_block.span()[0]] + new_code + text[end_index:] return text
[docs] def rst2md(text, gallery_conf, target_dir, heading_levels): """Converts reST from docstrings and text blocks to markdown for Jupyter notebooks. Parameters ---------- text: str reST input to be converted to MD gallery_conf : dict The sphinx-gallery configuration dictionary. target_dir : str Path that notebook is intended for. Used where relative paths may be required. heading_levels: dict Mapping of heading style ``(over_char, under_char)`` to heading level. Note that ``over_char`` is `None` when only underline is present. """ # Characters recommended for use with headings # adornment_characters = "=`:.'\"~^_*+#<>-" headings = re.compile( # Start of string or blank line r"(?P<pre>\A|^[ \t]*\n)" # Optional over characters, allowing leading space on heading text r"(?:(?P<over>[{0}])(?P=over)*\n[ \t]*)?" # The heading itself, with at least one non-white space character r"(?P<heading>\S[^\n]*)\n" # Under character, setting to same character if over present. r"(?P<under>(?(over)(?P=over)|[{0}]))(?P=under)*$" r"".format(adornment_characters), flags=re.M, ) text = re.sub( headings, lambda match: "{1}{0} {2}".format( "#" * heading_levels["over", "under")], *"pre", "heading"), ), text, ) math_eq = re.compile(r"^\.\. math::((?:.+)?(?:\n+^ .+)*)", flags=re.M) text = re.sub( math_eq, lambda match: r"\begin{{align}}{0}\end{{align}}".format(, text, ) inline_math = re.compile(r":math:`(.+?)`", re.DOTALL) text = re.sub(inline_math, r"$\1$", text) directives = ("warning", "note") for directive in directives: directive_re = re.compile( r"^\.\. %s::((?:.+)?(?:\n+^ .+)*)" % directive, flags=re.M ) text = re.sub(directive_re, partial(directive_fun, directive=directive), text) footnote_links = re.compile(r"^ *\.\. _.*:.*$\n", flags=re.M) text = re.sub(footnote_links, "", text) embedded_uris = re.compile(r"`([^`]*?)\s*<([^`]*)>`_") text = re.sub(embedded_uris, r"[\1](\2)", text) refs = re.compile(r":ref:`") text = re.sub(refs, "`", text) contents = re.compile(r"^\s*\.\. contents::.*$(\n +:\S+: *$)*\n", flags=re.M) text = re.sub(contents, "", text) images = re.compile(r"^\.\. image::(.*$)((?:\n +:\S+:.*$)*)\n", flags=re.M) image_opts = re.compile(r"\n +:(\S+): +(.*)$", flags=re.M) text = re.sub( images, lambda match: '<img src="{}"{}>\n'.format( generate_image_src(, gallery_conf, target_dir), re.sub(image_opts, r' \1="\2"', or ""), ), text, ) text = convert_code_to_md(text) return text
[docs] def generate_image_src(image_path, gallery_conf, target_dir): """Modify image path for notebook, according to "notebook_images" config. URLs are unchanged. If "notebook_images" config is a str, it is used as a prefix to image path, relative to "src_dir". If "notebook_images" is `True`, image is embedded as URI. If "notebook_images" is `False`, "file://" is prepended. """ if re.match(r"https?://", image_path): return image_path if not gallery_conf["notebook_images"]: return "file://" + image_path.lstrip("/") # If absolute path from source directory given if image_path.startswith("/"): # Path should now be relative to source dir, not target dir target_dir = gallery_conf["src_dir"] image_path = image_path.lstrip("/") full_path = os.path.join(target_dir, image_path.replace("/", os.sep)) if isinstance(gallery_conf["notebook_images"], str): # Use as prefix e.g. URL prefix = gallery_conf["notebook_images"] rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, gallery_conf["src_dir"]) return prefix + rel_path.replace(os.sep, "/") else: # True, but not string. Embed as data URI. try: with open(full_path, "rb") as image_file: data = base64.b64encode( except OSError: raise ExtensionError( f"Unable to open {full_path} to generate notebook data URI" ) mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(full_path) return f"data:{mime_type[0]};base64,{data.decode('ascii')}"
[docs] def jupyter_notebook(script_blocks, gallery_conf, target_dir): """Generate a Jupyter notebook file cell-by-cell. Parameters ---------- script_blocks : list Script execution cells. gallery_conf : dict The sphinx-gallery configuration dictionary. target_dir : str Path that notebook is intended for. Used where relative paths may be required. """ first_cell = gallery_conf["first_notebook_cell"] last_cell = gallery_conf["last_notebook_cell"] work_notebook = jupyter_notebook_skeleton() if first_cell is not None: add_code_cell(work_notebook, first_cell) fill_notebook(work_notebook, script_blocks, gallery_conf, target_dir) if last_cell is not None: add_code_cell(work_notebook, last_cell) return work_notebook
[docs] def add_code_cell(work_notebook, code): """Add a code cell to the notebook. Parameters ---------- code : str Cell content """ code_cell = { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": None, "metadata": {"collapsed": False}, "outputs": [], "source": [code.strip()], } work_notebook["cells"].append(code_cell)
[docs] def add_markdown_cell(work_notebook, markdown): """Add a markdown cell to the notebook. Parameters ---------- markdown : str Markdown cell content. """ markdown_cell = {"cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [markdown]} work_notebook["cells"].append(markdown_cell)
[docs] def promote_jupyter_cell_magic(work_notebook, markdown): """Promote Jupyter cell magic in text blocks to code block in notebooks. Parses a block of markdown text looking for code blocks starting with a Jupyter cell magic (e.g. %%bash). Whenever one is found, the text before it and the code (as a runnable code block) are added to work_notebook. Any remaining text is returned. Parameters ---------- markdown : str Markdown cell content. """ # Regex detects all code blocks that use %% Jupyter cell magic cell_magic_regex = r"\n?```\s*[a-z]*\n(%%(?:[\s\S]*?))\n?```\n?" text_cell_start = 0 for magic_cell in re.finditer(cell_magic_regex, markdown): # Extract the preceding text block, and add it if non-empty text_block = markdown[text_cell_start : magic_cell.span()[0]] if text_block and not text_block.isspace(): add_markdown_cell(work_notebook, text_block) text_cell_start = magic_cell.span()[1] code_block = add_code_cell(work_notebook, code_block) # Return remaining text (which equals markdown if no magic cells exist) return markdown[text_cell_start:]
[docs] def fill_notebook(work_notebook, script_blocks, gallery_conf, target_dir): """Writes the Jupyter notebook cells. If available, uses pypandoc to convert rst to markdown. Parameters ---------- script_blocks : list Each list element should be a tuple of (label, content, lineno). """ heading_level_counter = count(start=1) heading_levels = defaultdict(lambda: next(heading_level_counter)) for blabel, bcontent, lineno in script_blocks: if blabel == "code": add_code_cell(work_notebook, bcontent) else: if gallery_conf["pypandoc"] is False: markdown = rst2md( bcontent + "\n", gallery_conf, target_dir, heading_levels ) else: import pypandoc # pandoc automatically adds \n to the end markdown = pypandoc.convert_text( bcontent, to="md", format="rst", **gallery_conf["pypandoc"] ) if gallery_conf["promote_jupyter_magic"]: remaining = promote_jupyter_cell_magic(work_notebook, markdown) if remaining and not remaining.isspace(): add_markdown_cell(work_notebook, remaining) else: add_markdown_cell(work_notebook, markdown)
[docs] def save_notebook(work_notebook, write_file): """Saves the Jupyter work_notebook to write_file.""" with open(write_file, "w") as out_nb: json.dump(work_notebook, out_nb, indent=2)
############################################################################### # Notebook shell utility
[docs] def python_to_jupyter_cli(args=None, namespace=None, sphinx_gallery_conf=None): """Exposes the jupyter notebook renderer to the command line. Takes the same arguments as ArgumentParser.parse_args. `sphinx_gallery_conf` functions same as in ``. """ from . import gen_gallery # To avoid circular import parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sphinx-Gallery Notebook converter") parser.add_argument( "python_src_file", nargs="+", help="Input Python file script to convert. " "Supports multiple files and shell wildcards" " (e.g. *.py)", ) args = parser.parse_args(args, namespace) # handle `sphinx_gallery_conf` gallery_conf = copy.deepcopy(gen_gallery.DEFAULT_GALLERY_CONF) if sphinx_gallery_conf is not None: gallery_conf.update(sphinx_gallery_conf) # run script for src_file in args.python_src_file: file_conf, blocks = split_code_and_text_blocks(src_file) print(f"Converting {src_file}") target_dir = os.path.dirname(src_file) example_nb = jupyter_notebook(blocks, copy.deepcopy(gallery_conf), target_dir) save_notebook(example_nb, Path(src_file).with_suffix(".ipynb"))