Computation times#
00:15.963 total execution time for 12 files from auto_examples:
Example |
Time |
Mem (MB) |
Capturing output representations ( |
00:02.694 |
203.9 |
Force plots to be displayed on separate lines ( |
00:02.506 |
193.0 |
Matplotlib animation support ( |
00:02.381 |
193.0 |
Seaborn example ( |
00:01.893 |
258.8 |
Providing a figure for the thumbnail image ( |
00:01.723 |
193.0 |
Using Unicode everywhere 🤗 ( |
00:01.090 |
193.5 |
Plotting the exponential function ( |
00:01.014 |
193.3 |
Choosing the thumbnail figure ( |
00:00.905 |
193.0 |
Introductory example - Plotting sin ( |
00:00.805 |
201.4 |
Identifying function names in a script ( |
00:00.746 |
193.0 |
Using sys.argv in examples ( |
00:00.206 |
193.0 |
Local module ( |
00:00.000 |
0.0 |