Source code for sphinx_gallery.backreferences

# Author: Óscar Nájera
# License: 3-clause BSD
"""Backreferences Generator.

Parses example file code in order to keep track of used functions.

import ast
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
from html import escape
from pathlib import Path

import sphinx.util
from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError

from ._dummy import DummyClass  # noqa: F401
from .scrapers import _find_image_ext
from .utils import _W_KW, _replace_md5

.. raw:: html

    <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnails">

.. thumbnail-parent-div-open

.. thumbnail-parent-div-close

.. raw:: html



[docs] class NameFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): """Finds the longest form of variable names and their imports in code. Only retains names from imported modules. """ def __init__(self, global_variables=None): super().__init__() self.imported_names = {} self.global_variables = global_variables or {} self.accessed_names = set()
[docs] def visit_Import(self, node, prefix=""): """For 'import' add node names to `imported_names`.""" for alias in node.names: local_name = alias.asname or self.imported_names[local_name] = prefix +
[docs] def visit_ImportFrom(self, node): """For 'from import' add node names to `imported_names`, incl module prefix.""" self.visit_Import(node, node.module + ".")
[docs] def visit_Name(self, node): """Add node id to `accessed_names`.""" self.accessed_names.add(
[docs] def visit_Attribute(self, node): """Add attributes, including their prefix, to `accessed_names`.""" attrs = [] while isinstance(node, ast.Attribute): attrs.append(node.attr) node = node.value if isinstance(node, ast.Name): # This is a.b, not e.g. a().b attrs.append( self.accessed_names.add(".".join(reversed(attrs))) else: # need to get a in a().b self.visit(node)
[docs] def get_mapping(self): """Map names used in code, using AST nodes, to their fully qualified names. Returns ------- options : List[Tuple[str]] List of tuples, each tuple containing the following information about an `accessed_name`: accessed name : str, fully qualified name : str if it is a class attribute (i.e., property or method) : bool if it is a class : bool if it is an explicit backreference : bool (always false here) """ options = list() for name in self.accessed_names: local_name_split = name.split(".") # first pass: by global variables and object inspection (preferred) for split_level in range(len(local_name_split)): local_name = ".".join(local_name_split[: split_level + 1]) remainder = name[len(local_name) :] if local_name in self.global_variables: obj = self.global_variables[local_name] class_attr, method = False, [] if remainder: for level in remainder[1:].split("."): last_obj = obj # determine if it's a property prop = getattr(last_obj.__class__, level, None) if isinstance(prop, property): obj = last_obj class_attr, method = True, [level] break # For most objects this will emit a AttributeError, # but for some (e.g., PyQt5) you can get other # errors like "RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object # ... has been deleted" so let's be safer with # plain Exception try: obj = getattr(obj, level) except Exception: break if inspect.ismethod(obj): obj = last_obj class_attr, method = True, [level] break del remainder is_class = inspect.isclass(obj) if is_class or class_attr: # Traverse all bases classes = [obj if is_class else obj.__class__] offset = 0 while offset < len(classes): for base in classes[offset].__bases__: # "object" as a base class is not very useful if base not in classes and base is not object: classes.append(base) offset += 1 else: classes = [obj.__class__] for cc in classes: module = inspect.getmodule(cc) if module is not None: module = module.__name__.split(".") class_name = cc.__qualname__ # a.b.C.meth could be documented as a.C.meth, # so go down the list for depth in range(len(module), 0, -1): full_name = ".".join( module[:depth] + [class_name] + method ) options.append( (name, full_name, class_attr, is_class, False) ) # second pass: by import (can't resolve as well without doing # some actions like actually importing the modules, so use it # as a last resort) for split_level in range(len(local_name_split)): local_name = ".".join(local_name_split[: split_level + 1]) remainder = name[len(local_name) :] if local_name in self.imported_names: full_name = self.imported_names[local_name] + remainder is_class = class_attr = False # can't tell without import options.append((name, full_name, class_attr, is_class, False)) return options
def _get_short_module_name(module_name, obj_name): """Get the shortest possible module name.""" if "." in obj_name: obj_name, attr = obj_name.split(".") else: attr = None try: # look only in sys.modules to avoid importing the module, which may # otherwise have side effects real_obj = getattr(sys.modules[module_name], obj_name) if attr is not None: getattr(real_obj, attr) except (AttributeError, KeyError): # AttributeError: wrong class # KeyError: wrong object or module not previously imported return None parts = module_name.split(".") short_name = module_name for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1): short_name = ".".join(parts[:i]) try: assert real_obj is getattr(sys.modules[short_name], obj_name) except (AssertionError, AttributeError, KeyError): # AssertionError: shortened object is not what we expect # KeyError: short module name not previously imported # AttributeError: wrong class or object # get the last working module name short_name = ".".join(parts[: (i + 1)]) break return short_name def _make_ref_regex(default_role=""): """Make regex to find reference to python objects.""" # keep roles variable in sync values shown in configuration.rst # "Add mini-galleries for API documentation" roles = "func|meth|attr|obj|class" def_role_regex = ( "|[^:]?" if re.fullmatch(f"(?:py:)?({roles})", default_role) else "" ) # reference can have a separate title `title <reference>`, # don't match ``literal`` or `!disabled.references` return ( rf"(?::(?:{roles}):{def_role_regex})" # role prefix r"(?!``)`~?[^!]*?<?([^!~\s<>`]+)>?(?!``)`" ) # reference
[docs] def identify_names(script_blocks, ref_regex, global_variables=None, node=""): """Build a codeobj summary by identifying and resolving used names. Parameters ---------- script_blocks : list (label, content, line_number) List where each element is a tuple with the label ('text' or 'code'), the corresponding content string of block and the leading line number. ref_regex : str Regex to find references to python objects. example_globals: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Global variables for examples. Default=None node : ast.Module or str The parsed node. Default="". Returns ------- example_code_obj : Dict[str, Any] Dict with information about all code object references found in an example. Dict contains the following keys: - example_code_obj['name'] : function or class name (str) - example_code_obj['module'] : module name (str) - example_code_obj['module_short'] : shortened module name (str) - example_code_obj['is_class'] : whether object is class (bool) - example_code_obj['is_explicit'] : whether object is an explicit backreference (referred to by sphinx markup) (bool) """ if node == "": # mostly convenience for testing functions c = "\n".join(block.content for block in script_blocks if block.type == "code") node = ast.parse(c) # Get matches from the code (AST, implicit matches) finder = NameFinder(global_variables) if node is not None: finder.visit(node) names = list(finder.get_mapping()) # Get matches from docstring inspection (explicit matches) text = "\n".join(block.content for block in script_blocks if block.type == "text") names.extend((x, x, False, False, True) for x in re.findall(ref_regex, text)) example_code_obj = dict() # native dict preserves order nowadays # Make a list of all guesses, in `_embed_code_links` we will break # when we find a match for name, full_name, class_like, is_class, is_explicit in names: if name not in example_code_obj: example_code_obj[name] = list() # name is as written in file (e.g. np.asarray) # full_name includes resolved import path (e.g. numpy.asarray) splits = full_name.rsplit(".", 1 + class_like) if len(splits) == 1: splits = ("builtins", splits[0]) elif len(splits) == 3: # class-like assert class_like splits = (splits[0], ".".join(splits[1:])) else: assert not class_like module, attribute = splits # get shortened module name module_short = _get_short_module_name(module, attribute) cobj = dict( name=attribute, module=module, module_short=module_short or module, is_class=is_class, is_explicit=is_explicit, ) example_code_obj[name].append(cobj) return example_code_obj
THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE = """ .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="{snippet}"> .. only:: html .. image:: /{thumbnail} :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_{ref_name}` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">{title}</div> </div> """ BACKREF_THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE = ( THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE + """ .. only:: not html * :ref:`sphx_glr_{ref_name}` """ ) def _thumbnail_div( target_dir, src_dir, fname, snippet, title, is_backref=False, check=True ): """Generate reST to place a thumbnail in a gallery.""" fname = Path(fname) thumb, _ = _find_image_ext( os.path.join(target_dir, "images", "thumb", f"sphx_glr_{fname.stem}_thumb.png") ) if check and not os.path.isfile(thumb): # This means we have done something wrong in creating our thumbnail! raise ExtensionError( "Could not find internal Sphinx-Gallery thumbnail" f" file:\n{thumb}" ) thumb = os.path.relpath(thumb, src_dir) full_dir = os.path.relpath(target_dir, src_dir) # Inside rst files forward slash defines paths thumb = thumb.replace(os.sep, "/") ref_name = os.path.join(full_dir, fname).replace(os.sep, "_") template = BACKREF_THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE if is_backref else THUMBNAIL_TEMPLATE return template.format( snippet=escape(snippet), thumbnail=thumb, title=title, ref_name=ref_name ) def _write_backreferences( backrefs, seen_backrefs, gallery_conf, target_dir, fname, snippet, title ): """Write backreference file for one example including a thumbnail list of examples. Parameters ---------- backrefs : set[str] Back references to write. seen_backrefs: set Back references already encountered when parsing this example. gallery_conf : Dict[str, Any] Gallery configurations. target_dir : str Absolute path to directory where examples are saved. fname : str Filename of current example python file. snippet : str Introductory docstring of example. title: str Title of example. """ if gallery_conf["backreferences_dir"] is None: return for backref in backrefs: include_path = os.path.join( gallery_conf["src_dir"], gallery_conf["backreferences_dir"], f"{backref}", ) seen = backref in seen_backrefs mode = "a" if seen else "w" with open(include_path, mode, **_W_KW) as ex_file: if not seen: # Be aware that if the number of lines of this heading changes, # the minigallery directive should be modified accordingly heading = f"Examples using ``{backref}``" ex_file.write("\n\n" + heading + "\n") ex_file.write("^" * len(heading) + "\n") ex_file.write("\n\n.. start-sphx-glr-thumbnails\n\n") # Open a div which will contain all thumbnails # (it will be closed in _finalize_backreferences) ex_file.write(THUMBNAIL_PARENT_DIV) ex_file.write( _thumbnail_div( target_dir, gallery_conf["src_dir"], fname, snippet, title, is_backref=True, ) ) seen_backrefs.add(backref) def _finalize_backreferences(seen_backrefs, gallery_conf): """Replace backref files only if necessary.""" logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger("sphinx-gallery") if gallery_conf["backreferences_dir"] is None: return for backref in seen_backrefs: path = os.path.join( gallery_conf["src_dir"], gallery_conf["backreferences_dir"], f"{backref}", ) if os.path.isfile(path): # Close div containing all thumbnails # (it was open in _write_backreferences) with open(path, "a", **_W_KW) as ex_file: ex_file.write(THUMBNAIL_PARENT_DIV_CLOSE) _replace_md5(path, mode="t") else: level = gallery_conf["log_level"]["backreference_missing"] func = getattr(logger, level) func(f"Could not find backreferences file: {path}") func( "The backreferences are likely to be erroneous " "due to file system case insensitivity." )